Cork’s Biggest Road Race Coming Up!

By now women everywhere are readying themselves for the annual Evening Echo Ladies Mini Marathon which takes place on Sunday 16th September.  Some three thousand women are expected to take to the streets of Cork, with the race catering for women of every level of fitness, from the international class runner to the casual walker.  Hopefully everyone planning to participate will enter on the special entry form in the Evening Echo, but, more importantly, that they will enter as early as possible. All the local charities have all greatly benefited over the years from this race, with many of the entrants raising thousands of pounds for their own particular favourites.  A number of charities have made contact asking for assistance.  The ISPCC have sponsorship card, t-shirts, baseball caps, and a map of the course available by contacting Joanne at 4962949, while the Cork Rape Crisis Centre offer the same by phoning 1800 496496.