Leevale Membership 2025

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    Select membership type

    Please note: family membership is for 1-4 children plus up to one adult from the same family. Memberships for more than one adult must be purchased as separate senior memberships. Adult memberships are not required unless training or coaching with Leevale.

    Code incorrect

    Before joining, please come along to the track so you can find a suitable group to join. Join code will be provided by coach.

    Code available from training group coach

    You must be U23 and in full-time education to avail of the student rate.

    Unknown code

    Code incorrect

    Before joining, please come along to the track so you can find a suitable group to join. Join code will be provided by coach.

    Code available from training group coach

    You must be U23 and in full-time education to avail of the student rate.

    Code incorrect

    Before joining, please come along to the track so you can find a suitable group to join. Join code will be provided by coach.

    Code available from training group coach

    You must be U23 and in full-time education to avail of the student rate.

    Code incorrect

    Before joining, please come along to the track so you can find a suitable group to join. Join code will be provided by coach.

    Code available from training group coach

    You must be U23 and in full-time education to avail of the student rate.

    Unknown code

    *Do you wish to buy a copy of the Leevale Book

    Leevale Commemorative Book - Home of Champions

    *Would you be willing to assist the club as a volunteer?
    *In what capacity?

    As an athlete or guardian of a juvenile athlete renewing my membership online, I agree to the following:

    • TEAM SELECTION: if selected for a club team, I will ensure that I am available to compete
    • PHOTOGRAPHS: I acknowledge that photographs/videos taken during sport-related events are the property of Leevale AC and I consent to their use by Leevale AC for analysis and the promotion of the sport, to include them being displayed on the Leevale AC website & social media
    • I hereby agree if accepted as a member of Leevale Athletic Club to abide by the Rules of the Club. I agree that Leevale AC, its trustees or members shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever suffered by me though the negligence or otherwise of any member of the club
    • Athletes whose membership is not up to date are not entitled to train with the club and will not be entered in competitions
    • I agree to the club's privacy policy, and in particular Section 1 ("Club Membership Form"). Use of the High-Performance Centre is conditional on agreement to Section 10 ("High-Performance Centre")
    • I agree to the relevant Code of Conduct on the the club's welfare page

    Did you find any problems with this form? If so, let us know.

SKU: N/A Category:


Leevale membership is now available for 2025. Memberships run from Jan-Dec, and the fees are the same as for 2024.

Note: use of the HPC requires the one-off purchase of a fob for €50 here as well as a €20 annual renewal fee.

Membership should be paid online; all payments are handled securely and without any additional fees. Both existing and new members can register and pay online.


The membership fee includes:

  • Rental of UCC & MTU tracks at Leevale training times
  • Entry to AAI track and cross-country championship events
  • Entry to County and Munster road championships
  • AAI registration
  • Insurance
  • Subsidised travel to some events
  • Equipment purchase
  • Coaching
  • …and a lot more
Membership status

Yes, I’m renewing an existing membership, No, this is a first-time membership