Message from John Good

Yesterday I came across  and as a past member, of many years, it has brought back wonderful memories. I left Ireland in 1986 for California and I now live in Seville, where I´ve been residing since Dec.2001.
Whoever has designed this site you should be congratulated and it also shows the progression of Leevale AC. A wonderful club with wonderful members with the main passion on running which truly magnificent sport.
Whenever I´ll be back in Cork again it be nice to catch up with the ones I used to “hang out” with. To the ones who may recall me it be good to get an email and just to know how you are all doing.
Leevale, or “The Club”, was more than a running club tho´ it was a great social gathering which was encouraged by many great individuals , too many to mention.
The power of the internet is truly a magnificent tool of this 21st century and it´s due to this influence that happy memories have been awoken for me. Those memories were in the past simple but are now in the present continuous.
Yes, when I´m back in Cork I must catch up with a few of you.
Take care and all the very best, Johnny Good.