See message below from Courceys AC regarding their upcoming Open Sports day. Leevale strongly encourages all juvenile athletes to compete in local open sports events. Open sports provide an ideal opportunity for competition for younger juveniles after their County Championships, in a fun and safe environment.
We would like to invite your Juvenile Athletes & families to attend our annual Open Sports on Sunday May 23rd at 1pm in Ballinspittle GAA Grounds.
This year our sports will be exclusively for Juveniles. As you can see from the programme, there is a good selection of events for all these age groups.
We are pleased to announce that the Long Jump event will take place on our new Long Jump facility (see photos on website) of which we are very proud.
Last year was a very enjoyable day with over twenty clubs represented. We hope that your club will be one that comes this year and a warm welcome will await you.
Look forward to meeting you on the day.
Evelyn Murphy, Coach & Secretary
Courceys AC