Derval O’Rourke was thrilled with her 8.18 wining time in the 60m hurdles. After a month of rest due to injury she did her first hurdles session last Tuesday and went into today’s race in a nervous state. Her immediate reaction after the race was ‘I’m so relieved to have that out of the way’. She heads to Doha quietly confident of putting in a medal winning performance.
Ailis McSweeney finished second 60m final is a close fought sprint.
Men’s 200m B Final | Cathal Owens | 2nd | 23.03 |
Men’s 400 B Final | Patrick Maher | 3rd | 49.47 |
Men’s Long Jump | David Quilligan | 4th | 6.91m |
Women’s 60m Hurdles | Derval O’Rourke | 1st | 8.18 |
Women’s 60m Hurdles | Katey Byrd | 6th | 9.36 |
Women’s 60 Sprint | Ailis McSweeney | 2nd | 7.49 |
Women’s 200m B Final | Sophie Heinsch | 2nd | 26.12 |