Leevale athletes to compete in Youghal Triathlon

For a change of scenery a number of Leevale athletes will compete in Youghal Triathlon next Saturday Sept 4th. Regular triathletes Lizzie Lee, Keith McKeown and Chis Mintern will compete in the individual event. Lizzie’s love of triathlons appears to have rubbed off on some other Leevale athletes, who have decided to enter three teams to compete in the relay event.

Team 1: Stephen Devine – swim, Owen Cummins – cycle, Ryan Creech – run

Team 2: Shaun Devine – swim, Philip Crowley – cycle, Barry Donovan – run

Team 3: Rosaleen McKeown – swin, Áine Murphy cycle, Jess Vonhatten run.

The athletes will have to do a 750m Swim, 19km Cycle, 6.5km Run. This should be a great event and we would like to get as many people down to support our athletes.

The triathlon starts at 11.30am sharp, with the Start/Finish at Claycastle Beach Car Park in Youghal.