Leevale AGM will be held on Friday 9th November

The 2012 Leevale AC AGM will be held at 8:00 pm on Friday 9th November. Like previous years, the venue will be the clubhouse (1 Dalton’s Avenue, off Paul Street).

We hope for a good turnout from all club members. We would also urge athletes and parents to attend. This will be the club’s 46th AGM. It is important to elect a strong committee that can best serve our athletes. See nominations sheet which will be used for the election of officers. This should be filled out by all members of the club and returned to any coach or officer of the club in advance of the AGM.

In order to be eligible for election, a member must be nominated by two ordinary members of the club. We would ask members to check with their nominees that they are prepared to go forward for election.


Leevale Athletic Club

46th Annual General Meeting at the Clubhouse in Dalton’s Avenue on Friday 9th of November 2012 at 8:00 PM


  1. Chairman’s Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Adoption of Standing Orders
  4. Minutes of 2011 AGM
  5. Hon. Secretary’s Report for 2012
  6. Hon. Treasurer’s Report for 2012
  7. Registrar’s Report
  8. Coach’s Report
  9. Chairman’s Address
  10. Clubhouse Project Report
  11. Election of Officers and Committee
  12. Motions
  13. Any other Business

Nominations sheet & motions for consideration