Powerade delighted to sponsor Leevale 2013

Powerade_ProjPt_Logo_Std_20120131Powerade, official Sports Drink of Athletics Ireland, is delighted to come on board as a sponsor of the Leevale 2013 Track and Field Meet at the CIT on 20th and 21st of April.


Powerade will be provided for the athletes competing at the meet to assist hydration, performance and aid recovery. Powerade ION4 is a still isotonic sports drink containing a combination of carbohydrate and sodium which encourages your body to absorb fluid and maintain fluid balance. Powerade ION4 also helps to sustain your physical performance during prolonged exercise, giving athletes the potential to train harder, go for longer and perform better, to achieve what they are capable of.


Jennifer Branigan, Brand Activation Manager for Powerade Ireland, commented, “We’re delighted to be supporting the Leevale Track and Field Meet this year; we wish all the athletes the best of luck – You Have More Power Than You Think!”.

Donal Murnane, meet Director states ‘Leevale AC is deligheted to welcome Powerade Ireland on borad as a new sponsor this year. The importance of hydration is a key compoent in all athelets training and the use of sports drinks before, during and after prolonged exercise is supported by our club’