The 48th Annual General Meeting of Leevale AC will be held on Friday 9th January 2014, at 8pm sharp at the River Lee Hotel. After a very successful 2014 it is important to ensure that we have strutures in place to further improve in 2015.
This meeting will also serve as an EGM, where the committee will outline plans to the purchase and developemt of a new clubhouse which will be an Athletic High Performance Centre for the club and will seek the members approval proceed with the project in 2015.
- Standing Orders
- Apologies
- Minutes of 2013 AGM
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Registrar’s Report
- Chairman’s Address
- Coach’s Report
- Election of Officers
- New clubhouse proposal
- Motions
The subscriptions for the 2015 season are:
- Junior/Juvenile Membership: €85
- Two Junior/Juvenile athletes same family: €140
- Senior Membership: €130
- Family Membership: €180
Club membership for 2015 is now due. To join the club or to renew membership, download Membership Form 2015, complete and return to any club official with the required fee, or pay subscription online here.
See below AGM Nomination sheets 2015 for the election of officers and committee members. In order to be eligible for election, a member must be nominated by two ordinary members of the club. Every club member is expected to exercise their vote and complete the nomination sheet. Completed nomination sheets can be handed back to any of the officers of the club or emailed to
Nomination sheet (Word)
Nomination sheet (PDF)
If you wish to submit a motion for consideration, please email it to
Yours Sincerely
Caroline Philpott