Distance results – October to December 2017

October saw a return of the much revered cross country season for a lot of Leevale athletes but away from the grizzly mud and cold there were still some notable road performances. Claire McCarthy won the long established Cork to Cobh race on October 1st and Eric Curran had good wins in the Rosscarbery 5k and Rebel Red 10k. Rosaleen Mackeown also had a win in the Rebel Red 5k. 
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November kicked off with Lizzie Lee returning to the roads with a convincing win in the Brikey 5k on Sunday 5th. In mid November at the BHAA HSE 5k there was a Leevale sweep in the men’s with the top 3 comprising of Mark Hanrahan, David Fox and Matt Murnane while Carol Finn took 2nd place in the women’s. John Shine returned to the roads with a good 2nd place run in the BHAA 6k on Sunday the 19th. In the Great Glenville 4 miler on Sunday 26th, Lisa Hegarty showed good form winning the women’s while Eric Curran took 2nd in the men’s. 
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December generally means plenty of festive revelry but there was also a healthy dose of racing to balance the scales as the cross country season also drew to an end. On Saturday 2nd, Mark Hanrahan stormed to victory in the Jingle Bells 5k in the Phoenix park. Over in a sunny Lanzorote on Saturday 9th, Brian Hegarty took an impressive 3rd spot in the marathon in warm conditions. At the popular Newmarket 5k on Sunday 17th, Michelle Finn had a strong run taking the win with Sinead O’Connor in 2nd. On Stephen’s day, Lizzie Lee broke the course record on her way to winning the Clonmel 4 miler. The Togher 5k saw another Leevale sweep in the men’s with David Fox, Eric Curran and Mark Walsh taking the top 3 spots. The last win of the year was scooped by Sinead O’Connor over in Seville as she comfortable won the 4k on New Year’s Eve. 
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