Leevale AC announce that the club will re-open to limited activity from Monday 25th May.
We reopen having reviewed all guidelines and procedures set-out under phase one of the government’s roadmap to reopen our country.
Phase 1 is primarily set for the time until Monday until June 8. Having reviewed the new guidelines and procedures in an effort to best suit our club we announce:
- The club has appointed Donal Moynihan as the Covid Compliance Safety Officer.
- The club is only open for Junior and Senior athletes to train with their coach in maximum groups of four.
- If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 do not train, self-isolate and contact your GP.
- Club training is open to those residing within a 5km radius of training.
- The club’s training locations will be decided by the individual coaches.
- Training sessions are open to club members only. Any members of other clubs or non-members are banned from training sessions during phase 1.
- There can be no physical contact whatsoever between the members of the small training group.
- Please refrain entirely from spitting.
- Social distancing of 2m must be strictly observed at all times between members of the training group and the general public.
- Groups are limited to four people (3 athletes plus 1 coach).
- The coach must arrange a booking with athletes before the training session. This booking and the athlete details must be confirmed to Donal Moynihan as the Covid Compliance Safety Officer, covidofficer@leevale.org
- All athletes should bring hand sanitiser, face mask and surgical gloves to training.
- The Leevale High Performance Centre remains closed until the end of phase 2.
- Coaches must adhere to the guidelines and practices outlined here
- Athletes must adhere to the guidelines and practices outlined here
Leevale Athletic Club remains committed to the guidance and direction of Athletics Ireland, Sport Ireland, the HSE and the Government.