Online Entry For AAI National Junior & Masters T&F Championships

The AAI National Junior & Masters T&F Championships take place on the weekend 5-6 September in Santry. The junior events will take place on the Saturday, Masters on the Sunday.

Programme TBA

All Leevale athletes interested in competing at the meet must register on the online entry system below:

  • Select one or more events in either the men’s or women’s junior or masters section to indicate your interest in competing.
  • Due to Covid restrictions, entries are limited to 2 events per athlete for juniors, 1 event per athlete for masters.
  • The club will then enter you for your selected events.
  • Choose carefully as there is a cost to the club for each entry.
  • Athletes must have paid their 2020 membership in order to be entered.

Closing date for Leevale entries is Thursday 27 August.



    Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)

    AAI Reg. No. (if known)


    Event PB(s)

    Event SB(s) (if any)


    Junior Women
    100mH400mH100m200m400m800m1500m3000m3K Steeplechase3K WalkLong JumpHigh JumpTriple JumpPole VaultShotHammerDiscusJavelin28fD

    Junior Men
    110mH400mH100m200m400m800m1500m3000m3K Steeplechase5K WalkLong JumpHigh JumpTriple JumpPole VaultShotHammerDiscusJavelin35fD

    Masters Women
    100mH100m200m400m800m1500m3000m3K WalkLong JumpHigh JumpShotHammerDiscusJavelinWfD

    Masters Men
    110mH100m200m400m800m1500m5000m3K WalkLong JumpHigh JumpShotHammerDiscusJavelinWfD

    Other information (optional)

    By using this form you agree with the club's Privacy Policy, and in particular Section 5 ("Online entry system for Leevale athletes"). Confirm agreement?