Leevale 2022 AGM – Update

Due to the lifting of Covid restrictions Leevale Committee have decide to hold the 2022 Annual General Meeting in person at the HPC, Wednesday 26th  January at 8pm. Members can now attend the AGM in person or online via Teams. To get online access please email secretary@leevale.org to get a link to the meeting. 


  1. Standing Orders
  2. Apologies
  3. Secretary’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Registrar’s Report
  6. Chairman’s Address
  7. Coach’s Report
  8. Election of Officers
  9. Motions
  10. AOB

NOMINATIONS:  We are always looking for members to get involved in helping in the running of the club. While all official and officer positions are up for election at the AGM, there are a number of vacancies to be filled at this year’s AGM, club gear manager & assistant, HPC & development committee . Nominations for all positions can be emailed to the club secretary; secretary@leevale.org 

MOTION: If any member of the club wishes to submit a motion for consideration, please email it to the club secretary; secretary@leevale.org

MEMBERSHIP: Club membership for 2022 is now due and must be paid before the end of January. We currently have a waiting list of almost 100 people to join the club, places will be opened up to this list from the start of February once renewal has finished for existing members. Up to date membership is mandatory to attend all club training sessions and for entry to championship competitions. Membership fees remain unchanged for 2022 and must be paid online

Membership fee includes:

  • Rental of UCC & CIT tracks and other training facilities
  • Use of the Leevale High Performance (requires a once-off €50 deposit  for a gym fob)
  • Entry to AI track and cross-country championship events
  • Entry to County and Munster road championships
  • AI registration
  • Insurance
  • On occasions subsidised travel
  • Equipment purchase
  • Coaching
  • Operational & maintenance costs for the High Performance Centre. 
  • …and a lot more

NOTE: if you are not renewing your membership for 2020, be sure to email the registrar regristrar@leelvale.org  so that we can delete your information from our database.